Tomb of Dr. Grau (1893)

On September 18, 1893 died Dr. Joan Baptista Grau i Vallespinós, if not for three years who was bishop of Astorga. Conducting the pastoral visit of his diocese by horse, his leg was scratching with the branch of a tree. The wound was gangrene and Mons. Grau died in the village of Tábara. Gaudi was then in Astorga. He warned that the bishop was sick and wanted to see him. Anton was to Tábara and realized right away that Dr. Grau was to die. He said: "I found so beautifully transformed that came to me the idea he could no longer live. He was beautiful, too beautiful ... Everything personnel had disappeared! The lines of the face, color, the voice ... He was more of something unrelated to things. And the perfect beauty can not live. The thesis, the abstract of the Greek deities, would not have lived. " The prelate returned to Astorga corpse. Anton, his friend, built a temple in the church of the seminar, at the bottom of which gave the mound. She cried, kneeling, to see the funeral procession pass. Then, prepared the tomb: an urn coarse, composed of six granite slabs of the same white palace that "had to be, first, white dress of bishops, with the liturgical significance, and here to mark a contrast and, thereby, setting a center of irradiation." Recorded with his hands the arms of the prelate, a cross and the Latin inscription IOANNES, 1893. Once buried Dr. Grau, Gaudí and his team had no choice but to abandon the works of the episcopal palace and return to Catalonia, with great contentment of almost everyone in Astorga, who denied any spiritual and economic aid.

Josep Maria Tarragona, December 6, 2008

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Last update: 06/05/2016