During the adolescence of Gaudí, among 1863 and in 1868, the Renaixença expanded from the Poetry and the historical studies to the Novel, to the Theater and to the Architecture. In 1862, the first novel turned up in Catalan since the Middle Age, "The little orphan of Menargues", of Antoni de Bofarull. In 1865, a drama was used for the first time in Catalan, "Such you will make, such you will find", of Vidal i Valenciano, and, 1866, "The jewels of Roser", of Frederic Soler. In the face of the attained success, the Spanish government forbade on the 29th January of 1867 the theater in Catalan language.
In the Floral Games of 1865, a seminarist of Vic of 20 years, it was rewarded Jacint Verdaguer i Santaló, who revealed like the poet greater Catalan poet from Ausiàs Marc and one of the grains of the European Romanticism.
The Romanticism arrived also at the Architecture. Catalonia owes the beginning of the Renaissance in Architecture, the first new mediaeval building, to a French nun, saint Magdalene Sofia Barat (1779-1865), founder 1800 of the Society of the Holy Heart. When in 1867 the lovely chapel of the school of Sarrià (beside Barcelona) was constructed, for express desire for saint Magdalena Sofia took as a model the chapel of Saint Thibault de Maître Antel, where she had made the first communion. Josep Casademunt i Torrents (Barcelona 1804-1868) started it and, on to die, his pupil Joan Martorell finished it, master future of Gaudí. It was consecrated on 17 November of 1869 and coasted 482.405,864 real of fleece.
Also, the Renaissance spread geographically: Hundreds of young poets of Valencia, Mallorca and the Rousillon resumed, like in Catalonia, the literary use of the common Catalan language.
More in the north, the Occitan language -philologically and culturally, companion of the Catalan- lived a similar literary restoration. The instigator, the poet Frédéric Mistral, visited Barcelona on the occasion of the Floral Games of 1868.