The crisis of the Pontifical Estates

The Catholics of the world lived intensely the successive territorial remnants that the Italian unification caused to the Pontifical States, and the threat to the temporary Power of the Pope, in whom he did not want to renounce. On 8 December of 1864, the beatified Pius IX promulgated the encyclical "Quanta cura", accompanied of a "Syllabus" (catalog) of eighty errors of "the progress, the liberalism and the modern civilization" and that opposed to "the invaders and usurpers of the rights and goods of the Church". The last words, intentionally, were these: "The Roman Pontiff has to become reconciled and become in accordance with the progress, with the liberalism and with the modern civilization". This radical change from the attitude of the Pius IX towards the liberalism caused a strong division among the Catholics. The sovereignty of the Pope on Rome was held by the French bayonets of Napoleon III. In 1864, the increasing Italy negotiated with France the withdrawal from Rome of the garnish. But in the face of a new attempt at Garibaldi of conquering the Eternal City, the French troops had to come back there in 1866. Little afterwards, 1867, Pius IX summoned the Council through the encyclical "Aeterni Patris", a fact that did not happen from Trento and that appeared in front of the non Catholic ones like a challenge of the Church to the modern culture. One of the reactions to this situation had occurred in Barcelona, in 1866. The pious bookseller Josep Maria Bocabella i Verdaguer set up the Association of Devotees of Saint Joseph" to attain of God for intercession of the Glorious Patriarch the triumph of the Church and the relief in his tribulations in the kind and immortal Pius IX". Almost fifty years afterwards, the same Association remembered the foundation how bow "in the most horrible tests that weighed on the Church. (...) They boiled the ideas about the revolution in all of the European people, and of its fermentation horrible harvest should be achieved. Catalonia did not escape from the plans of the sect, but on the contrary, it was very directly included in them. The same Pontifical States were also a toy of the revolution. (...) There were times diabolically contraries in what was a Church of Christ. (...) Because of that it is not strange that the Christians cried over tears of blood. (...) While the bullets of the cosmopolitan revolution made breach on the Pious door, the whole Catholic world raised the arms to the Heaven beseeching, while they surrounded and defended the Pontiff mocked in his rights and estates. (...) Very faithful impact of this commotion (...) was the blaze that the love and the pain initiated in the heart of Mr. Josep Maria Bocabella i Verdaguer". One of the propagandists of the initial period of the Association was saint Antoni Maria Claret, who registered there in 1867.

Josep Maria Tarragona, 26-XI-2006

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Last update: 06/05/2016