On June 7, 2012, at 19 h., Cardinal Lluís Martinez Sistach held a Mass and a Eucharistic exposition, in which he prayed for speeding up the process of Beatification of Antoni Gaudí and his confessor Agustí Mas.
Organized by "Amics de Gaudí" to mark the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of this association, took place in the Oratory of St. Philip Neri at 19 h., Time and place uniquely endearing because here came every evening at this time Antoni Gaudí to perform his devotions and talk to his spiritual director, Father Agustí Mas. On June 7, 1926, 86 years ago, he failed because ihewas hit by a tram while crossing a high road.
"The spirituality of Gaudí -said cardinal Martinez Sistach in his homily- is very current. Conscious of being the architect of God, gave his occupation as an artist a evangelical dimension, taking the altarpieces outside the church to proclaim the mystery of Jesus Christ to their fellow citizens on the street, in the center of the new city. (...) It is the "New Evangelization" of Christians today: out of the temples to proclaim Jesus Christ, to offer this our treasure to all men and women. (...) In addition, Gaudí teaches us not to attempt to separate the love for God from love for man, with his attitude of helping the poor and needy, for example building the Provisional Schools of the Sagrada Família. Gaudí has left us a living temple, from the beginning of its construction, with the three essential dimensions of the Catholic Church: the proclamation of the Word, worship and the sacraments, and charity towards the brethren."
In the prayer of the faithful are specifically requested "to accelerate the process of Beatification of Antoni Gaudí and his confessor Agustí Mas".
Cardinal Martínez Sistach expressed his desire to beatify Gaudí on the Sagrada Família.