Interruption of the works

On September 18, 1893, Dr. Grau died, if not for three years who was bishop of Astorga. Once buried Dr. Grau, Gaudí and his team had no choice but to return to Catalonia, with great contentment of almost everyone in Astorga, who denied any spiritual and economic aid. Gaudí even tried to visit the Archbishop of the ecclesiastical province concerned, who refused to meet him. Resigned on November 4, 1893, and to leave expelled by the Chapter and by public opinion, the Catalan architect said the following sentence prophetic, which was settled by the case: "They will be unable to finish it and capable of leaving interrupted." Indeed, the Chapter sought new professionals, who could not overcome the enormous difficulty of making the semi architectural elements built with the cool breath coming out of the hands of Gaudi, and also failed to understand what he had done was wrong technically and squarely to continue. Thus, when removing a wall vaults collapsed; this was used to disclose to the four winds that Gaudi was an incompetent. The works were suspended indefinitely.

Josep Maria Tarragona, December 15, 2008

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Last update: 06/05/2016